Published Books

Inequities in Nigerian Politics (The Niger Delta Story)
Steve Azaiki. (2003).
“Inequities in Nigerian Politics (The Niger Delta Story)”.
Treasure Books Publishers

Oil, Politics and Blood
Steve Azaiki. (2006).
“Oil, Politics and Blood”.
Y – Books Publishers, Lagos, Nigeria.
442 pages.

Oil, Gas and Life in Nigeria
Steve Azaiki. (2007).
Oil, Gas and Life in Nigeria.
Y – Books Publishers, Lagos, Nigeria.
356 pages.

Oil, Democracy, and Promise of True Federalism in Nigeria
Ikien, A.A., D.S.P. Alamieyeseigha and S.S. Azaiki. (2008).
“Oil, Democracy, and Promise of True Federalism in Nigeria”.
University Press of America, Inc., New York.
494 Pages
Steve Azaiki and Nkasiobi Oguzor. (2002).
“Agriculture: An Agenda for Change in the Niger Delta”.
Treasure Books, Yenagoa, Nigeria.
140 Pages.
Steve Azaiki.(2007).
Inequities in Nigerian Politics: The Niger Delta, Resource Control, Underdevelopment and Youth Restiveness. Revised Edition.
Y – Books Publishers, Lagos, Nigeria.
324 pages.
Erhabor, P.O., S.S. Azaiki and S.A. Ingawa. (2007).
“Cassava the White Gold”.
Initiative Publication Company, Benin-City, Nigeria.
251 Pages
Erhabor, P.O., S.A. Ingawa and S.S. Azaiki. (2008).
“Economic Appraisal of Proven Agronomic Technologies in Nigeria”.
Rawel Fortune Resources, Benin-City, Nigeria.
537 Pages
Aisueni, N.O and S.S. Azaiki. (2007).
Production of Cassava. In: Erhabor, P.O., S.S. Azaiki and S.A. Ingawa. (Editors)
“Cassava the White Gold”.
Initiative Publication Company, Benin-City, Nigeria.
Chapter 3; Pp 39 – 69.
Erhabor, P.O., S.S. Azaiki, and S.A. Akele. (2008).
Economic Appraisal of Proven Agronomic Technologies from 1987 – 1992 in Akwa Ibom State, South-Eastern Region, Nigeria. In: Erhabor, P.O., S.A. Ingawa and S.S. Azaiki. (Editors)
“Economic Appraisal of Proven Agronomic Technologies in Nigeria”. Rawel Fortune Resources, Benin-City, Nigeria.
Chapter 2; Pp 9 – 71.
Azaiki, S.S (2008).
Niger Delta: The Geography, People and Development. In: Ikien, A.A., D.S.P. Alamieyeseigha and S.S. Azaiki. (Editors)
“Oil, Democracy, and Promise of True Federalism in Nigeria”. University Press of America, Inc., New York.
Chapter 3; Pp 31 – 45.
Azaiki, S.S (2008).
Niger Delta and Indigenous Development. In: Ikien, A.A., D.S.P. Alamieyeseigha and S.S. Azaiki. (Editors)
“Oil, Democracy, and Promise of True Federalism in Nigeria”.
University Press of America, Inc., New York.
Chapter 4; 47 – 63.
Azaiki, S.S and A. Ikein (2008).
Oil and Gas Politics in the Niger Delta. In: Ikien, A.A., D.S.P. Alamieyeseigha and S.S. Azaiki. (Editors)
“Oil, Democracy, and Promise of True Federalism in Nigeria”.
University Press of America, Inc., New York.
Chapter 6; 73 – 84.
Geo-Jaja, M.A and Azaiki, S.S (2008).
Poverty and Social Insecurity in the Niger Delta: What Lessons can be Learned from IFAD/UNDP Anti-Poverty Program? In: Ikien, A.A., D.S.P. Alamieyeseigha and S.S. Azaiki. (Editors).
“Oil, Democracy, and Promise of True Federalism in Nigeria”.
University Press of America, Inc., New York.
Chapter 14; 149 – 166.
Azaiki, S.S (2008).
Federalism, Resource Control and the Quest for social Justice. In: Ikien, A.A., D.S.P. Alamieyeseigha and S.S. Azaiki. (2008).
“Oil, Democracy, and Promise of True Federalism in Nigeria”.
University Press of America, Inc., New York.
Chapter 26; 317 – 329.
Kyryk, M.M., S.S. Azaiki and M.Y. Pikovskyi. (2008).
“Methodical Manual for Practical Studies of General and Agricultural Phytopathology”.
Recommended by the Scientific Council of Educational and Research Institute of the National Agrarian University, Ukraine. 76 pp.
Kyryk, M.M., M.Y. Pikovskyi and S.S. Azaiki. (2008).
“Diagnosis of Seed Pathologies of Fungal Etiology and Identification of their Pathogens”.
Recommended by the Scientific Council of Educational and Research Institute of the National Agrarian University, Ukraine. 28 pages.
Kyryk, M.M., M.Y. Pikovskyi and S.S. Azaiki. (2008).
“Ecology of Phytopathogenic Fungi”.
Recommended by the Scientific Council of Educational and Research Institute of the National Agrarian University, Ukraine. 32 pages.
Kyryk, M.M., M.Y. Pikovskyi and S.S. Azaiki. (2008).
“Diagnosis of Plant Diseases”.
Recommended by the Scientific Council of Educational and Research Institute of the National Agrarian University, Ukraine. 32 pages.