Scaling up Sustainable Technology Investment in Latin America

International Society of Comparative Education, Science and Technology of Nigeria”Inaugural Conference, 7-11 December, 2014
September 2, 2014
2015 Offshore Technology Conference | 4-7 May | Houston, Texas, USA | NRG Park
September 6, 2014

Scaling up Sustainable Technology Investment in Latin America


Dear Industry Colleague,

We are pleased to invite you to join our live webinar: Scaling up Sustainable Technology Investment in Latin America which is taking place on Thursday, September 11th (to check out the webinar time in your time zone, please click here).

Latin America is rapidly becoming a global arena for cleantech innovation as international companies head for the region to partner with a rapidly growing local green sector.

This exciting webinar will feature leading experts from Climate Action, LatinoAmerica Renovable, GreenMomentum México and AVINA teamed up to discuss in depth Latin America’s green space, finance projects such as Clean Technology Fund, Green Growth Initiative and other investment opportunities in the sector.

Why attend?
–    Understand more about the drivers of the green sector in Latin America
–    Learn about available funding for cleantech in Latin America
–    Discover financing options for your sustainable technology projects

Who should attend webinar?
–    Finance organisations like banks, venture capitals, development banks, investment institutions
–    Latin American and international technology providers
–    Green sector entrepreneurs
–    NGOs
–    Consultants

Limited places available! To avoid disappointment register your free place today here.

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